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Friday Nights At Home

When I started practicing yoga five years ago, I learned this wonderful thing called “slowing down”. Ever since, I’ve become aware and paid close attention to my pace wherever I am and whatever I do. From breathing, to thinking, to making decisions. And I know it’s one of the most amazing things I’ve learned from yoga. 

I thought I’d share with you that it’s alright to say no to a fast-paced life and too exciting weekly routines. It’s a Friday night and I chose to do things that aid me in slowing down: reading, writing, drinking tea, and meditating. Taking a deep breath and slowly letting it out is a gift that we should always give to ourselves. And if we put good intentions together with these breaths, we are surely doing ourselves a wonderful favor. Try it. 

I hope you have a wonderfully slow weekend. It’s now time to write two Bangkok blogs. 

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